How Natasha Nourished Passion into a Plant-Based Business

Yoco - 19 July 2023

You were 26 years old when you started Nourish’d after travelling the globe for six years. Can you tell us about the journey from intrepid adventurer to small business owner?

Something interesting that comes up time again when chatting to Yoco merchants is how someone’s passion – whatever it is – forges tenacity and propels small business owners forward on the days they’d rather hide under the duvet. What’s your take on that?

You're now in your sixth year of business, with three locations, a dedicated team of staff, and an online store. What has this growth looked like for you?

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you share with people who also want to turn an idea into a small business? What are some of the learnings that could make someone else’s journey that little bit smoother?

Dreaming big is what got you to where you are. What does the future of Nourish’d look like?