Digital Receipts

Who needs printed slips these days? You can keep your business green by sending your customers digital receipts via text or email instead. Everyone wins!

They're a super-fast, super convenient way to send receipts to customers.

No more fiddling with the weird little paper roll thingy while a customer waits, impatiently mumbling expletives under their breath. (To be fair, refilling a card machine printer is like trying to thread a needle while wearing oven gloves.)


The speed point for businesses accepting card payments for the first time. Connect to your smartphone with Bluetooth and get paid wherever business takes you.





Bundle Includes

Fast, light and pocket-sized

Manage sales on the free Yoco App

Connects to any smartphone via Bluetooth



Our smartest card machine yet. A brand new, standalone device that gets you paid in 3 seconds or less. Made for businesses of any size in any industry.




+ R49/month connectivity fee

Bundle Includes

Free, unlimited, ultra-fast 4G data

Connects to WiFi

Full-HD touchscreen

  1. The planet will thank you
    Going paperless isn’t just convenient, it’s environmentally friendly too. If forests could talk, they’d tell you that few things give them the warm and fuzzies like the phrase “digital receipts”. 

  2. It saves you time
    Instead of printing a receipt, or even writing one out with a pen! and! paper! your customer’s receipt is sent to them instantly.

  3. They’re convenient
    I don’t know about you, but I’ve got bags full of receipts dating back to 1999. (I’m a hoarder, sue me.) All well and good if that’s your thing, but if you’ve ever had to look for one receipt in particular, you’ll know how much of a las that undertaking can be. The answer? Digital receipts.

  4. Your customer can choose how to receive them
    Yip - you can send a digital receipt via a text message or an email. Cool hey.

  5. You have a digital trail of all of your sales

    Arguably one of the most useful perks of using digital receipts, you’re able to see, at a glance, every single sale. No more flipping through files or searching through stacks of paper. 

All of our card machines give you the option to send digital receipts. So if you rely on a Go, Neo, or Khumo to do your ‘thang, you’re sorted.

If you’re not yet a Yoco merchant but have been wooed by the above, we got you.

Sign up today, for free, and get access to a world of digital payment solutions that are changing the way South Africa does business.